Thursday, June 8, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 06-07-2023: Copper and Luna Get Their Nails Done, Bicycle Tires, Black Bean Quesadillas

1. Without any drama or resistance, I popped Luna and Copper into their carriers and took them to the vet for a manicure. Now, if Luna resists Paul or Carol giving her a pill while Debbie and I are in Canada for a few days (starting Sunday), she can't scratch either of them AND when Luna caresses my face at night, her caresses will not be scratchy! 

2. Will my bicycle tires hold air? I'll find out soon. I filled the tires with air today and hope the air stays in them.

3 Making tonight's black bean quesadillas out of a HelloFresh bag was simple and a lot of fun. All I had to do was dice a green pepper, cook the pieces, add black beans and a packet of TexMex paste.  I added cumin and garlic powder to the black beans. Once heated up, I put out two flour tortillas, covered half of each with a pile of Mexican cheese blend, topped the cheese with the beans/paste/green pepper, and topped that with jack cheese and folded the uncovered half of the tortilla over the covered half.

In a pool of melted butter, I browned each side of the folded tortilla. The cheese melted. I cut the folded tortillas into thirds and dressed them with the sour cream and fresh squeezed lemon juice sauce I made and with hot sauce.

Simple. Fun. Delicious. 

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