Thursday, June 22, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 06-21-2023: Phone Call with a Forever Friend, Trust Talking with Debbie, Silky Sicilian Penne and Mr. Monk

1. At noon today, Mark Cutshall called me. It was an "appointment" call that we had set up the day before. Mark and I became close friends nearly fifty years ago at Whitworth College. We haven't seen a lot of each other over the years, but when we do get together (twice in Seattle in the last year) or have a chance to talk, it's uplifting, stimulating, and fun, a perfect blend of serious discussion, sports talk, reliving memories, and having a lot of good laughs.

Our talk today enlivened me. 

It was nourishing for my soul.

2. Debbie and I decided not to go on a drive we'd talked about doing on Tuesday. Instead, we grabbed a chair on the cool, breezy, and comfortable porch of The Beanery. Right now The Beanery is serving Kona Brewing's Big Wave Golden Ale, a light ale that is refreshing and low in alcohol content. I savored a glass of it while Debbie and I talked about all sorts of things. 

Inevitably, we talked more about the four murders perpetrated on Sunday and about different things associated with it. I wouldn't call it a comfort to talk with Debbie about what we have come to learn happened. I don't really know what to call it. Trust talk, maybe. I guard my thoughts about such things, something I did too little of when I was younger. 

Being able to speak in confidence with Debbie, much like having conversation today with Mark, is not just a relief, but it's nourishing for my soul.

3. Back home, and in the car before arriving home, Debbie and I devoured a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos just because.  

I got to work fixing tonight's HelloFresh dinner: Silky Sicilian Penne Tossed with Mushrooms, Zucchini, and Tomatoes.

It was simple. 

All I had to do was cook the sliced mushrooms and diced zucchini, take them out of the pan, and then cook down halved cherry tomatoes. Once the tomatoes were soft,  I added a packet of mushroom broth, Italian seasoning, and pasta water from the pot of penne I was boiling at the same time. I had chopped chives, added half of them, and squeezed the juice of half a lemon onto this tomato mixture. I capped off this emerging sauce with two packets of creme fraiche and stirred it all up and let it cook for a bit.

All I needed to do then was add the drained penne to the sauce, stir it up, and add a packet of Parmesan cheese and more chives. For good measure, I squeezed juice from the other lemon half into the penne and and the sauce. 

It worked. 

We had a most enjoyable dinner. 

Later we watched Monk go on a date and also investigate a series of blackouts in San Francisco. 

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