Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 06-27-2023: The Dump and St. Vinnie's, Hydrating with Salads, Thanking Jeff for *Deadish*

1. Christy has been working hard to clear things she doesn't want/need out of her basement. She bagged it all, lugged it up to her garage, and it was ready to go away: some of it to the dump, some of it to St. Vinnie's. 

Christy asked me to haul for her and I gladly loaded up her pickup, blasted to the dump, returned, loaded the pickup again, rocketed back to the dump to recycle cardboard, cans, and newspapers and then careened to St. Vinnie's and loaded up a shopping cart with Christy's donations.

This was not a big job, but, as it turned out, as I recover from getting overheated on Sunday, it was a wee bit too much. 

I'm chronicling (via this blog) my body's reactions to heat and sun, trying to learn what my limits are this summer, and I was surprised today that I returned home tired and in need of cooling down EVEN THOUGH the air was pretty cool and it was partly cloudy out. 

An afternoon nap helped me feel better.

So did eating cold salads during the day.

So did hydrating.

But, I need to be mindful that I got a bit overheated doing this job this morning under what I thought were great conditions to load the truck and deliver Christy's stuff.

I sure hope this getting easily overheated isn't a regular thing.

2. I did a little reading about dehydration and appreciated the reminder that, along with drinking water and other liquids, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is also contributes to staying hydrated.

Well, today was my lucky day!

Debbie and I have a generous amount of wheat berry and kale salad left over from family dinner and we have a huge bowl of green salad loaded with vegetables and slice apple left over from Sunday.

All day long, I kept returning to the kitchen and served myself helping after helping of these delicious and bountiful salads.

3. I wanted Jeff to know, so I emailed him,  that I had listened to the June 15, 1976 Beacon Theater half of his June 15, 2023 Deadish show.  I was very impressed with the choices he made from that superb Beacon Theater set list -- he had so much great stuff to choose from and his selections were exquisite. I also thanked Jeff for introducing me to both the Black Pumas, a psychedelic soul band and a bluegrass band, The Mountain Grass Unit,  composed of three guys in their late teens from Alabama who all attend Boston's Berklee School of Music.  Jeff played their bluegrass-ified version of The Beatles, "Get Back" and I immediately went to their website and discovered that on August 9th they'll be playing in Bozeman, MT. Hmmm...that might be a fun road trip...I'll have to check with Debbie to see what our calendar looks like around then. 

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