Monday, March 6, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 03/05/17: In Order, Corgi Drop Off, DC Brau Renewal

1. I firmed up a few things and got papers organized for Mike and Ed and me and our travels and tours this upcoming week and am as confident as I can be that everything is in place for bus travel and tour tickets and tour passes in D.C., Philadelphia, and New York City.

2. Talk about a huge help: Molly and Hiram are housing the corgis while my friends are here. The Deke will be staying at the Diaz house during my friends' visit, so she'll be taking care of the dogs, too, but not having the dogs in our apartment leaves Mike, Ed, and me free to come and go as we please without concern for the dogs' well-being or maintenance. The Deke and I dropped off the dogs with Molly this afternoon, wished her a happy birthday, and left her to continue her day visiting with Leah.

3.  The Deke and I love wrapping up our weekends with a visit to the tasting room at D. C. Brau. Tonight, as the evening wrapped up, Stu and Angela focused the house music on Yacht Rock: "Rosanna", "What a Fool Believes", something by Hall and Oates, etc. and we cheered each song and talked about how just right this music was right now. People at another table played Cards Against Humanity and regularly broke into OMG! laughter. The Deke knit. She and I talked about stuff. We had fun conversations with Stu and Angela about music and concerts they'd been to.   It was low key.  The beer was good. We left, headed into our week, rested, relaxed, and renewed.

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