Saturday, March 18, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 03/17/17: Maggie's Teeth Cleaning, My Teeth Cleaning, Brookeville Beer Farm and Quench

1. Maggie is insistent, very insistent starting about 6 a.m. that we feed her in the morning. Today, however, she was going to have a dental cleaning at the vet. It requires anesthesia. Therefore, no food. A battle of wills transpired between Maggie and me. I could not relent or the surgery would have to be canceled. Finally, about 6:45 she and I piled into the Sube and I took her down to the vet to drop her off. Being in the car and arriving at the vet took her mind off her morning chow and all went very well with the check in and, about eight hours later, I picked her up. She'd been a trooper. Once home, she got to eat a reduced helping of kibbles and was recovering well from her surgery. No grogginess. No nausea. A happy reunion with Charly. Maggie never fails to impress me with her fortitude.

She's a good dog.

2.  I, too, visited the dentist today for a cleaning and a check-up. I didn't have to be sedated. I just relaxed and a hygienist who was new to me cleaned and polished my teeth and we talked a bit about how I could take even better care of my teeth. I once had a hygienist who hectored me about dental care, but this hygienist didn't. She just talked with me, answered my questions, and gave me ten dollar off coupon for an electric toothbrush should I decide to go that route. I think the coupon could be thought of as incentive.

3. I picked up the Deke from her job and we drove about a half an hour to Brookeville Beer Farm, here, about a half an hour away. People we met recently and joined for beers a couple of weeks ago at Franklins were meeting at Brookeville and one of these people, Jim, was playing in the Irish band providing live music. The tasting room at Brookeville Beer Farm was packed solid. It was a very cool place, but it was so packed we never found Jo, but we did find Sara with her mother, Joan, for a short conversation. We enjoyed the time we spent listening to Jim's band, but without a place to sit and given how noisy the place was -- the good kind of noisy, by the way -- we decided we'd return to Brookeville Beer Farm another time and hoped we'd hear Jim's band again under different circumstances. We were very happy to have made the trip out to the farm.

One of our favorite spots, Quench, was on the way back to Greenbelt and we stopped in. It, too, was very busy, but we snagged a couple of seats at the bar and enjoyed some of Union's divine Double Duckpin Imperial IPA with a little Jameson's Irish Whiskey and we split a very tasty shepherd's pie.

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