Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Last Night's Medimont Dream

Why did I dream last night that Ed and I went Medimont but it was on an ocean beach with snow and ice and I was barefoot and I had Mom's Tracfone and couldn't figure out how to correct the mistakes I made trying to dial her number and LCC basketball player and former WR 115 student, Nicole, appeared and showed me what I needed to do and I kept failing and couldn't get a hold of my mom to let her know that Ed and I were at Medimont where car races were going on and Ed ordered a cheeseburger and fries that looked like the ones Terry and I ordered at Safeco Field while waiting for the Ducks and the Cougars to play and I went to the bar in Medimont, the Blue Lagoon Bar, and two women there wondered why Ed and I watched "the loser car race" between a souped up 1969 styled Chevy pickup and a 1955 Belair souped up and I said we like the way the cars looked and I couldn't get my burger order in and my bare feet were turning purple from the snow and ice and Ed asked me if I wanted to get home and have surgery and I said I was fine but I couldn't get my order in or contact Mom and I woke up wondering how and when Medimont grew so much and got so big.

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