Saturday, November 16, 2013

Three Beautiful Things 11/15/13: Composing Pictures, Relaxing Over Coffee, (For Us) A New Watering Hole

1.  I don't have a learned photographer's sense of composition.  I read things about lines and thirds and other stuff and it tends to confuse me rather than help me, although I think some of it sinks in and is at work even though I'm not thinking about it.  I can't analyze anyone's pictures, especially my own, with the language of photo composition.  It's just not how I see pictures, let alone see things through the viewfinder.  (I try to keep this in mind when I teach writing, that the language of essay composition might muddle the minds of my students as much as mine is muddled by the language of photograph composition.  It's why I barely use words like "thesis" or "transition"....)  Anyway, as I take more pictures for my "Come -- Have a Sit" collection, I think maybe it's becoming as much a way to be more mindful of picture composition as anything.  I don't have language for this, but as I look at pictures I took today, I want to go back to some of the porches and chairs and retake them because I think I could compose the picture better and it might be that this funny little project will help me do this better.   Here's one of my pictures today to look at.  I'm sure it has strengths and flaws.

2.  I walked to Brails coffee shop and met up with my friends and we agreed not to talk about the LCC English department.  I had put out a request to my friends that if they wanted to talk about whatever is going on right now that has got its members in conflict, I'd happily show up to coffee a half an hour late because in my retirement I promised myself to stay in the dark about all such things and that's where I want to remain.  My friends told me they'd refrain so I showed up on time and we talked about producing records, NFL football, Glenn Gould, Twelve Years of Slavery, teaching, and a host of other things -- and those interested in and involved in the deliberations of the English Department got a respite from it all.  I want to be an oasis friend to my English Department friends, a friend who provides an oasis from the stressful stuff that goes on at work, whatever it is.

3.  The Deke and I like to find quiet places to sit and have a drink or two, possibly have a bite to eat, and to relax and gab.  We've always been good gabbers with each other.  It's fun to find a new place to gab/drink.  Today I shopped while Deke sipped on a half pint of Stone W00tstout at Sixteen Tons Cafe.  I finished shopping and told the Deke I couldn't join her for a beer on an empty stomach and so I went to Pegasus Pizza for a slice and found out there's a bar in back and I couldn't order a slice because they don't have 'em after five so I ordered a small Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza, texted the Deke to update her, ordered a pinot noir and when the Deke arrived we suddenly realized we had discovered another good place to go to yak and enjoy a drink or two.  As a bonus, Ron and Shawna strolled in and we had a great chat with them before they went to their table.  The wine, pizza, and conversation at Pegasus rounded out a great afternoon and the promise for a relaxed evening was soon fulfilled. 

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