Monday, August 3, 2015

Three Beautiful Things 08/02/15: Back to St. Andrews, Family Dinner, Solo Sleepover

1. After weeks away, I thoroughly enjoyed being back in the congregation of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church this morning, back into the structure and rhythms of worship in the Episcopal Church. Nothing special happened in the service:  as it should be. It was regular, built around readings having to do with manna and the bread of life, and gave me a sense of order in my life that, spiritually speaking, had been missing.

2. The Deke and I returned to the Diaz's home.  Adrienne and Jack are visiting for a few days, so the out east contingent of our family got to see each other and enjoy together a delicious dinner of chili (thanks to Leah), rice, and cabbage salad. I also had some time helping Ana do what Ana does best these days -- sleep:

3.  David decided that, yes, he'd like to come over to our apartment home for a sleepover all by himself, leaving his sister, Olivia, and cousin, Jack back at the Diaz house. David is a self-reliant three year old. The minute he arrived at our home, he dove right into different Lego toys and entertained himself for quite a while with a Where's Waldo? book. We wrapped up the evening with a bowl of popcorn and the Deke read David a story and he went right to sleep. It was a good day in the world of Nana and Grandpa and their grandchildren.

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