Thursday, January 14, 2016

Three Beautiful Things 01/13/16: Corgi Teeth Cleaning, Not M. Phelps, Library Uplift BONUS: A New Casserole

1. Maggie and Charly went in at 7 a.m. for their teeth cleaning today. It all went well -- in other words, Maggie didn't have to have any extractions, but she has had a few teeth fall out and there are not problems with Charly. I hardly knew what to do while they were at the vet's all day and no one was here to alert me with urgent barking to our neighbor leaving his apartment, someone knocking on a door upstairs, the mail being delivered two floors above us, or a breeze making a blade of grass move outside.

2. I put myself through a good series of exercises at the pool and kicked my lap count up to eight. This is not exactly Michael Phelps territory, but I could sure feel in my arms and shoulders and legs and torso how much good the swimming and exercising is doing for me.

3. I spent about an hour in the stacks today at the Greenbelt Public Library, scanning book titles, marveling at all the different subjects writers tackle and admitting to myself that any number of books exist that deal with awful things that have happened, and  I just can't bring myself to read. Our Greenbelt Public Library is, by any measure, a modest-sized library with a small collection.  Every time I go in, I am grateful for this place. It's a popular library. Its computers are always occupied. The study rooms and the meeting rooms are always being used. Mothers (mostly) bring their pre-school children in for programs. The staff offers friendly direction. I enjoy going to a table and watching all the activity and listening to the staff answer questions and help people find what they need. It's a great hangout.

BONUS: I want to have a record here in my blog that tonight I made a Mushroom Alfredo Penne Bake. It was easy -- it involved making a cauliflower sauce, boiling up some penne, sauteing garlic and mushrooms, throwing it all together, topping this mixture with different cheeses and then, after it baked for 10-15 minutes, topping it with fresh sage and basil.  I am really enjoying winter cooking -- enjoying using the oven and experimenting with different kinds of casseroles.  I also imagined variations on this basic recipe that could be fun to try.

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