Saturday, March 1, 2014

Three Beautiful Things 02/28/14: Neighborhood Photo Stroll, WR 115 Project, Funky LambickX

1.  I took a walk around the neighborhood this morning and took pictures, all of which I enjoyed taking, but with mixed results. I enjoyed the foggy, misty air and the mild temperature.  Here is my favorite picture, blurry and cockeyed as it is.  I wish I'd shot better from the hip, but, no harm done. 

2.  I worked on the rest of the photography project for my WR 115 class and took some time to enjoy my students' faces and how each of them expresses a different attitude toward life and, I suppose, the camera.  I can never really tell how much the students enjoy this project. . . and I don't need to know.  Here's a fact, Jack:  I love it.

3.  I got to drop in on Don and Mimi and Carol and Dick and others who meet regularly at High Street on Fridays and had a great time over a cheeseburger and a couple of deeply satisfying Hammerheads.  Then the Deke and I met at Sixteen Tons and after a half of a Stochasticity Project Grapefruit Slam IPA and a half of an AleSmith X Extra Pale, I tried out a very odd beer (odd for me), the LambickX, and it hooked me and I enjoyed its funky sourness and enjoyed that I had never tasted anything quite like it.  That was fun. 

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