Sunday, January 4, 2015

Three Beautiful Things 01/03/15: Day #2 of Decorations, Mom's Feng Shui, The Kitchen is Mine Again

1.  Taking down Christmas decorations in Mom's house is not a one day job.  Oh! No!  It continued today.  I carried boxes and tubs upstairs.  Mom wants to make sure all is right up there with the decorations and their boxes, so there we'll work on that another day and I'll put things in the storage closet.  We both hope that day #3 of the decoration take down will bring this task to an end.

2.  Mom decided she's like the living room arranged differently.  No problem.  I moved the love seat against the east wall and the two chairs that were there are now up against the north wall.  I put the end tables in new places.  I gave the living room a full vacuuming.  I made sure Mom's place to sit on the love seat is equipped with telephone, heating pad, massage cushion and that that they are all plugged in and working.  Mom was ready to shake things up a little and she is very happy with the changes.

3.  The coup de cuisine is over.  I pulled a wooden spoon out of the drawer and defended my status as chief cook and bottle washer.  Mom retreated.  Carol didn't even try to infringe on my territory.  I secured my turf my making spaghetti sauce and pasta and salad and re-established the fact that when it comes to Mom's kitchen, I'm the guy.  (Flex, flex.)

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