Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Three Beautiful Things 10/19/15: Maggie and I in the Morning, Sibling Assignment Done, Back on the Soul Train

1.  Our aging corgi, Maggie, started getting restless about 2 a.m., wanting to go outside, and, sure enough, she was needing to empty herself -- multiple times. I hoped her restlessness was temporary, but at about 3:00 a.m., I decided to keep her with me out in the living room and stay up so we wouldn't be disturbing the Deke any more. I wasn't functioning very well at that hour, but I did some reading and some thinking and it was good to see Maggie settle down and be all right by the time day broke.

2.  My sisters and I continue to give each other writing assignments. We started doing this in November of 2006.  We all just completed Sibling Assignment #169, each of us writing, and posting on our blogs, about a current obsession.  I was very tardy with getting mine done.  I'd had one idea that I tried to make work for about a month, ditched it, but this morning, and on into the afternoon I wrote about my obsession with light and photographing light.  If you'd like to read it, just click here.

3.  We went over to Molly and Hiram's for dinner and something we were talking about turned our attention to the once long-running television show, Soul Train, and so I jumped on the Soul Train YouTube time machine and went back to my college days and listened to such Soul Train hits as "TSOP", "Rock the Boat", "When Will I See You Again", and "Ring My Bell" -- I think they were all regular offerings on Spokane's KHQ-FM music rotation and helped sweeten my days at NIC and Whitworth and beyond.

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