Monday, November 21, 2016

Three Beautiful Things 11/20/16: Trip to Breakfast Town, Family Dinner, Working Together

1.  Around 7:45 I popped into Mom's Malibu and shot through the weak light of this November morning to Kingston where Ed and I decided to take separate vehicles to Michael D's in Breakfast Town -- also known as Coeur d'Alene. We joined Mike Stafford for a plate of food and some first-rate conversation. I'd like to report that we solved the nation's problems, but we didn't -- not sure we even made a dent.

2.  To help Mom, Christy, Carol, and I have a cooking schedule and take turns making dinner for Mom. One night a week, at Mom's request, we have a family dinner. Tonight was family dinner at Carol and Paul's, and, not only were Carol, Paul, Everett, Christy, and I at the table with Mom, so were Cosette, Molly, and Travis. Christy fixed the best dinner ever: roasted chicken thighs and roasted vegetables including Brussel sprouts, shallots, garlic cloves, carrots, sweet potatoes, and more. Laid out on a platter in the middle of the table, the golden skin of the chicken along with the assorted colors of the vegetables combined to make a meal that was beautiful to look at and even better to eat.

3. I talked to the Deke on the phone today. We are trying to figure out when I'll return to Maryland and when I'll come back to Kellogg again after I get back to Maryland. No doubt, it goes without saying (but here I go) that I live a divided life, split between my enjoyment of life with the Deke and the rest of our family in Maryland and New York and my desire to help out all I can with Mom's care and to support Christy and Carol in all they do for Mom while they also take care of things with their families, at work, and in their homes. I am very grateful that the Deke understands this situation and that we work cooperatively to figure out ways to make this divided life work. This situation is challenging for everyone and I'm thankful that we all make every effort to work together to make things go smoothly so that Mom lives comfortably and is well taken care of.

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