Sunday, December 4, 2016

Three Beautiful Things 12/03/16: Brenda Returns, RRRs and Zags, Steak Dinner

1. Brenda, a home nurse who worked with Mom after she broke her arm in 2015, returned today. Brenda came by to check on Mom's wound and redress and rewrap it and check on her vitals. The wound continues to heal. Mom's blood pressure, which has been, at times, startlingly low, has begun to improve thanks to a change in medication.

2. At 2:30, I sauntered over to Christy and Everett's to watch the men's college basketball game between Gonzaga and Arizona. Christy had out tortilla chips and some of her homemade salsa with sausage slices and cheese and some almonds. In addition, Christy and I each enjoyed a few red Rolling Rocks (RRRs) while we watched the Zags jump out to an immediate lead and then hang on to win, 69-62.  Once I get back to Maryland in a couple of weeks, I won't see Zag games unless they are nationally televised, play in the afternoon, and I go out to a joint somewhere to see them play. I'll keep track of them by reading their scores, but I'll miss watching them play and continue to develop as a team.

3. T-bone steaks were on special at Yoke's on Friday and Mom asked me to pick up a couple for our Saturday dinner. So, after the Zags game, I heated up the cast iron skillet, put a layer of oil in the pan, and fried each steak separately -- they were too large to fry together. I also fixed baked potatoes and salad and Mom and I enjoyed our dinner a lot and both have a half a steak to eat at another time. Neither of us was up to the task of eating it all -- thus, saving ourselves from being on the old Alka Seltzer television commercial: "I can't believe I ate the whole thing."  Do you want to watch this commercial? Just go here.

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