Thursday, December 8, 2016

Three Beautiful Things 12/07/16: Podcast and Good Fortune, Spaghetti on Thanksgiving?, Breakfast Dinner

1. Mom and I faced the Arctic blast and I drove her to the clinic and she enjoyed talking with the man who administered today's echocardiogram. I waited in the lobby and listened to most of an episode of The Big Listen and the music the podcast uses transported me back to our apartment home in Greenbelt and breweries in Washington D.C. and the train from Tarrytown, NY to Grand Central Terminal and sitting on a bench on River Street in Savannah, GA and Mom's basement, all places where I have listened to episodes of this podcast and I marveled at my good fortune to have been in all these places and to have the good-natured, intelligent presence of Lauren Ober, the host of The Big Listen in my life. You can go here and listen to the episode I enjoyed today, "The Family that Podcasts Together".

2. Another podcast I enjoy is called Burnt Toast. It's a part of the website, Food52, a place I visit often for recipes and help in the kitchen. Until Burnt Toast starts a new season in January, they are running rebroadcasts and today I listened to Calvin Trillin read an essay he wrote over thirty years ago, in which he makes a modest proposal to change the tradition of the Thanksgiving dinner. It's entitled, "Spaghetti Carbonara Day" and you can listen to it, here.  It's a sweet, tongue-in-cheek critique of turkey dinner.

3. Well, I didn't need Food52 to fix dinner for me and Mom tonight. Ha! All I needed was a box of Bisquick, the waffle iron, and some bacon. It was fun (and easy) to make breakfast for dinner -- just bacon and waffles.

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