Friday, October 15, 2010

Three Beautiful Things 10/14/10: Happiness and Integrity, The Family in American Drama, Pam's Back

1.  A boisterous group of students in my WR 121 class articulated a deep understanding of how in his memoir Buffalo for the Broken Heart Dan O'Brien examines happiness by exploring to what degree his ranching practices are in alignment with his values regarding the ecological integrity of the land he works.  As his practices become increasingly aligned with his knowledge of the land's history, evolution, and ecology, his joy and energy increase.  Many of my students saw this crucial connection today between human happiness and integrity.

2.  At Billy Mac's this evening, a causal mention of how short the term is in the quarter system led to discussing how much Kate G. and I enjoyed our experiences with January terms, with having an entire month to focus on one course, which led to a spirited discussion of plays and movies related to the Jan term course I taught twenty-eight years ago at Whitworth:  The Family in American Drama.

3.  Kate, Molly, and I were getting toward the end of our meal, and maybe our evening, at Billy Mac's when Pam and Michael suddenly appeared after attending a fundraiser for Paul Holvey.  Their arrival was a welcome surprise and a whole new round of spirited conversation got going, especially as Pam told us about the fun she'd had over the last week or so in New York City.

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