Saturday, October 23, 2010

Three Beautiful Things 10/22/10: Drop In, Admiring My Fellow Teachers, Coffee Fun

1.  I dropped in during the drop in time for Fast Lane faculty and for nearly an hour no one else dropped in so Anne and I had a really good discussion about teaching library research in WR 121 and WR 122.  Then Mary dropped in and our conversation continued and widened. 

2.  Another afternoon meeting for the full-time English faculty and another hour or so of enjoying the intelligence and commitment of my fellow instructors.  I don't know what we accomplish as far as getting our way with the administration, but our discussions are spirited and smart.  I admire the people I work with a lot.

3.  Michael and Margaret and I got together for coffee after the meeting and we talked about how we teach and what we are thinking about these days and, as always, our conversation was stimulating, challenging, and fun.  We talked seriously, often, and also laughed hard about some really funny stuff. 

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