Monday, December 6, 2010

Three Beautiful Things 12/05/10: Advent Apocalypse, Dan, Youth and Laughter and Good Times

1.  The early Advent season's lessons hit hard:  vipers and venom and locusts and honey and apocalyptic warnings.  I love the way Bishop Thornton straightens it all out.

2.  Was it?  Really?  Yes!  Dan and Mary Armstrong at Market of Choice.  They were hustling to Corvallis for a piano recital and we couldn't talk long, but a small shot of Dan Armstrong goes a long way.

3.  The house was filled with twenty-four and twenty-six year old energy:  Lindsey was over all day, Patrick showed up later and Molly lives here and suddenly the living room was filled with dumb crap laughter with Mr. Potato Head and ridiculous Photoshop creations and that was before Pat left to get a box of Corona.

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