Sunday, December 19, 2010

Three Beautiful Things 12/18/10: Maude Kerns Photos, Wet Chow Fun, Cocktail Glasses

1.  It was a lot of fun touring around the general neighborhood of the Maude Kerns Art Center snapping pictures with Russell.  I haven't looked at my photos yet, so......

2.  I really enjoyed the wet chow fun with roasted pork at Yi-Shen.  The dish was moderately hot and spicy and the slightly crunchy roasted pork at Yi-Shen always works for me.  I think I'm about 21 dishes shy of making my way through their whole menu.

3.  It makes no sense, but I had a great time driving out to the West 11th liquor store to get the ingredients to make the Deke a birthday week Old-Fashioned and stopping off at Fred Meyer to purchase, among other things, four new cocktail glasses so that the Deke could have her birthday week requested drink in a spanking new, classier than what we have, glass. 

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