Sunday, October 3, 2010

Three Beautiful Things 10/02/10: Reunion with Jeff Steve Part II, Harvest Fair, Slightly Flawed Teriyaki Chicken Dish

1.  Jeff Steve and I hadn't seen each other for about twenty years before we had breakfast in August on Cougar Bay on Lake Coeur d'Alene, and today we met for breakfast in Eugene at the Keystone Cafe, a place we haunted with some regularity back in 1985-87, often with Doug.  This morning we talked about a wide variety of things and it made this second reunion of ours doubly enjoyable.  I look forward to the next time we are in the same town again.  But, thank goodness, there's always Facebook!

2.  Russell and I headed into the local countryside this afternoon and visited the Spencer Creek Grange Harvest Fair for our Saturday photography outing.  Everything was perfect:  sunny, moderate weather; friendly people having a good time; Russell won five prizes after buying six raffle tickets; and we snapped a ton of photos.  Here are a few of my favorites:

3.  Friday, I bought a jar of teriyaki sauce with a dopey name at Trader Joe's and poured it in a zip-lock bag with about ten pieces of chicken.  Today I slow cooked the chicken with my electric frying pan while out taking pictures, came home, took the meat off the bones, mixed it with basmati rice and cooked up some green beans and put it over the top of the chicken, rice, and sauce.  It was a great idea, but I didn't get it quite right.  I needed more rice.  The sauce was too dominant.  Almond slices would have been really good, too.  The chicken was splendid, but the dish itself, while edible, was a just a bit flawed.  I'll get it right next time!

1 comment:

Go Figure said...

RP: Thanks for stopping by. True stories, I think, are always the best and most memorable...and yes beating Cda...sweet. Just a good thing that Hugh wasn't pitching that game. Ha. Great pictures. I especially like the first one of the person, I suppose a farmer at the fair? What an incredible face! The smile, so deeply sincere, and the eyes, well I believe that a person's eyes reveal a glimpse, a mere glimpse, of a person's soul. From my perspective his is golden. Thanks again. Starr