Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Three Beautiful Things 10/15/13: The Independent Clause Rules, My Mind Has a Mind of Its Own, Best Ever

1.  I really love the science and structures of the English sentence and trying to help my students see that the English sentence is defined by the independent clause.  It's so simple, though not easy.  I hope all my enthusiasm and humor and passion about the independent clause also had some clarity and that at least some of my students learned a little more about taking charge of the sentence construction rather than guessing or relying on what feels right.

2.  In keeping with my mind having a mind of its own, wandering, unfocused, and forgetful, last night I left my camera on the floor of the back seat in the car and my phone in the cup holder between the two front seats.  The car was locked.  Both items are black and hard to see at night in the dark car.  All the same, I'm usually obsessive, in a good way, about taking care not to leave things in the car for the night time petty thieves that walk our neighborhood to be tempted to get their hands on.  But, no harm done.  The Deke drove the car to school, discovered my fruits of my distracted mind, and secured them at school and both are now back in my possession. 

3.  Maybe it was frying the rice in sesame oil and then pouring some soy sauce over it while it fried.  I don't know.  But the Deke and I agreed that the stir fry I made tonight was, in the Deke's economic assessment:  "Best ever."

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