Sunday, October 27, 2013

Three Beautiful Things 10/26/13: Going Back Through Pictures, Sweet Life Almond Biscotti, Ducks Empty Out Cornucopia!

1.  About year ago, a portable hard drive I purchased and put my pictures on crashed.  I still had the pictures, unedited, on my many memory cards and today (and last night) I finally really got going on going through these cards, culling the many bad pictures I've taken, and editing the ones I'm keeping.  I've got a long way to go, but it's fun looking at these pictures again, remembering outings with Russell, times with the Baugh/West family, times when our grandchildren and their mothers were here, and remembering when I tried out new lenses.  It's fun to see how I think I take better pictures now than I did in 2007 (let's say).  It was especially fun looking back at pictures from the day in June, 2011 when I went to the St. Johns neighborhood of Portland around 7:00 a.m. and sat and took pictures, walked around and took more, and spent time taking (not great) pictures of the St. Johns bridge.  Here are a couple pictures I enjoyed looking at again:


2.   I took a very short stroll down to Sweet Life where I enjoyed my new favorite food item there:  almond biscotti.  I had a cup of coffee, too, and, after much contemplation, decided that I didn't want to interrupt the work I was doing with my pictures, so I didn't go downtown and take pictures of the zombie flashmob world-wide Thriller dance at Kesey Square.

3.  With the Ducks playing a 4:00 game against UCLA, meaning people all over town were either at the stadium or glued to their televisions, the Deke and I decided to go to Cornucopia, thinking it would be nearly empty.  It was.   The Deke worked all day at school and wanted some time to relax and I was hungry so we headed over and had a splendid time:  I had a couple Widmer Hefes and a terrific bleu cheese bacon burger and onion rings.  And, as usual, the Deke and I figured everything out that needed figuring. 

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