Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Stroll with Snug in the Neighborhood

Theologically, Easter is about the Resurrection. I enjoy that the world of flowers has its own death springing into life this time of year, too. Today Snug and I went out to see how the resurrection was doing in the botanic world today.

Snug seemed happy to go!

A neighbor nearby has a lovely tulip bed:

Elsewhere, this tulip attracted my attention:

Here it is, upright:

Here is this tulip in the company of the other tulips in its bed:

I enjoyed these poppies growing in the midst of this rose bush:

This one seemed the most happy to have risen:

It's the fourth round of the Masters today, but you don't have to go to Augusta National to see a fiery azalea:
I admired this simple step leading to more steps and on to the porch:

Silver Valley Girl recently posted, here, about her love of lavender. I took a couple of lavender shots for her:

Happy Easter.


Christy Woolum said...

Wow! I am glad I get to appreciate your neighborhood with pictures in the spring. Knowing how beautiful it looks in the summer, it would make sense that spring would follow suit. Thanks for sharing these pictures.

Carol Woolum Roberts said...

That azalea is beautiful. Someday I hope to have lavendar bushes that big. What a wonderful walk you and Snug must have had today. Glad you could share the resurrection with him.

Unknown said...

Snug is so cute. He seemed to be smiling even with his Halti on. Jack is conspiring to forever get his Halti out of his life. We gotta take those two doggers to the dog park or some park some time. Jack really wants to meet Snug. I think he wants a race!

Beautiful pictures. I love the dark plum tulip....