Friday, August 1, 2008

Three Beautiful Things 08/01/08: Morning Paper, Oreo Shake, Chocolate Milk

1. We are receiving two weeks worth of the Register Guard for free. The company is seducing us to subscribe to the paper again. I'm gonna. I really enjoy a newspaper with coffee in the morning and I enjoy finding out about the nutty things happening in this silly town.

2. I snuck out to Carl's Jr. this evening and along with a burger and fries I had an Oreo shake and it hit the spot. I wish I'd asked them to hold the whipped cream, though.

3. Just minutes ago I remembered that we have a can of Hershey's chocolate syrup in the ice box and an unopened jug of milk. So I had some chocolate milk before heading to bed. It was chocorious!


MarmiteToasty said...

Oreo biscuits are now in stock in our village grocery shop, they cost 89p a packet with about 10 biscuits in, which is just a little under $2...... I would pay much more for them cos they are the best biscuits I have ever tasted in me life.....

A doodle friend a few years ago sent me a tall china mug thing without handles with raised oreos on it and and recipe on the side for an oreo milkshake....... 2 years I have loved this mug thingie and now I can finally make an oreo milkshake, cos our little shop sells oreos....... :) mega mega chufted.......


angryyoungwoman said...

Every time I have whipped cream I feel cheated. It's like ice cream without all the yummy goodness. I think we should replace all whipped cream products with ice cream. The world would be a much happier place.