Saturday, September 4, 2010

Three Beautiful Things: 09/03/10: Visit with Ghandour, Surprise! Tina, Hammerhead Again

1. Not only did my annual physical exam with Dr. Ghandour result in a positive report on my current health, he and I had a good discussion of life in Lebanon (he just returned) and perceptions of Arabs and Palestinians in the U.S.A. I opened the door to this discussion by telling him how much I've been enjoying, over the past several years, watching movies made in Iran, Israel, Palestine, and other countries in that region.

2. It must have been the day for such discussions. Not long after leaving the doctor's office, I ran into Tina at Border's. Tina was a student of mine at the U of O twenty-five years ago and now she teaches in the Mass Communications department at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. I last saw Tina in 1999 and I was staggered with delight to see her again and learn a bit about her life.

3. Two pints of Hammerhead Ale: I hadn't had a Hammerhead since early 2009 and after taking care of some business at J. C. Penney, I dropped into the jam-packed North Bank McMenamin's and enjoyed a very slow arriving Captain Neon Burger and those tasty pints of ale.

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