Monday, September 6, 2010

Three Beautiful Things: 09/05/10: Mara at Market of Choice, Mother and Daughter Separation/Reunion, Fried Apple and Pork

1. It was good run into Mara, a WR 122 student this past spring, at her soon to be former place of employment, Market of Choice, and learn that she is moving back to Denver where a job at a bakery awaits her.

2. Molly went to Vancouver, WA for the day and so Olivia experienced her first full day without Molly -- and, as important -- Molly experienced her first full day without Olivia. It all worked out well and it was fun to see the mother daughter reunion this evening.

3. I sat down and imagined what I'd like for dinner. I thawed small center cut pork steaks. I started to imagine apples and went online and found a very simple recipe for fried apples. Perfect. The fried apples combined with the pork steaks combined with basmati rice and white corn made a really good dinner. The electric frying pan was the smartest purchase I've ever made. I swear.

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